While visiting Lucknow, we were fortunate enough to visit a government school at which our menstrual health management workshop was held earlier this year. To our pleasant surprise, this packed class of 9th through 12th grade girls was able to recall being educated on the physiology, management and taboos regarding menstruation. Despite the fact that these girls were already experiencing their periods, they had unfortunately never learned about menstruation prior to our workshops, neither in school nor by their families.
But after they participated in the workshops, these girls felt educated and empowered. They were even confident enough to share their knowledge with their peers. With big dreams of careers in law, politics, science, and teaching, we heard the DIGNITY in their voices. It was inspiring for us to see these girls with so much confidence in themselves, something they never had before. We are truly humbled and excited to be a part of the solution, one that will lead these girls to a bright and promising future, unhindered by the burden that had previously held them back.